Kamis, 01 Agustus 2019



            A.   Pengertian Congratulations, Hope, dan Wish

Congratulation adalah ucapan selamat yang ditujukan kepada seseorang atas prestasi dan kebahagian yang diraih. Hope atau wish adalah ungkapan atau ucapan seseeorang yang menunjukkan doa, harapan dan keinginanterrhdap orang lainsupaya lebih baik, dan terrkabul cita-citaata yang menjadi harapannya.

           B.   Expressions Hope and Wish Beserta Contohnya

Untuk mengungkapkan harapan dan juga doa kita bisa menggunakan kata:
§      Hopefully …
§      I hope …
§      I expect …
§      I am hoping …
§      I am expecting …
§      I was hoping …
§      I wish…
Respon yang bisa kita berikan, seperti:
Ø  Thank you
Ø  Thanks a lot
Ø  Thanks for your hope
Ø  Thanks for your wish
Ø  I hope so
Ø  Let’s hope for the best


Mrs. Ani : Lina, because you are the winner of the story-telling competition in this class,   
you will represent this class for the story-telling competition of our school next month. Prepare your best for the competition, will you? I hope you win the first prize, too. Good luck!
Lina     :  I hope so too, Ma’am. Yes, I’ll do my best.

           C.   Expressions Congratulation Beserta Contohnya

Untuk menunjukkan ungkapan kebahagiaan, maka kita dapat menucapkan selamat. Beberapa ucapan terseebut diantaranya:
§      I’d be the first to congratulate you on …
§      I’d like to congratulate you on …
§      May I congratulate you on …
§      I must congratulate you on.
§      It was great to hear about …
§      Congratulations!
§      Congratulations on …
Respon yang bisa kita berikan, seperti:
Ø  Thank you
Ø  Thanks
Ø  Oh, not reall
Ø  It’s very good of you to say
Ø  How nice of you to say
Ø  Thank you very much for saying so
Ø  Oh, nothing to do, actually
Ø  Oh, I have a lot to learn yet


Reva : Hello Izza, can you come to my birthday party tonight?
Izza  : Oh, today is your birthday, Is’n it?
Reva : Yes. Can you?
Izza  : Yes, I can. Congratulation Reva! I wish you always healthy and get better.
Reva : Thank you, Izza.

D.   Ciri Kebahasaan Kalimat Congratulation

1. biasanya menggunakan simple present tense
2. bahasa yang digunakan di sini harus sopan.
3. didalam penulisan surat ucapan selamat jangan membesar-besarkan kata ucapan selamat Anda; jujur tapi tidak terlalu antusias.
4. dalam penulisan surat ucapan selamat harus singkat dan jelas, tanpa rincian tambahan.
5. dalam penulisan harus mengungkapkan pujian pada seseorang atas prestasinya dengan memberikan sedikit motivasi kecil kepadanya untuk kedepan lebih baik lagi.

E.    Latihan Soal Congratulation, Hope, and Wish

1.      Winda : I have not seen you for a week?
Dzul    : Well, I have been sick since Monday.
Winda : What’s wrong?
Dzul    : I have had a terrible cold all week.
Winda : _____ I hope you feel better soon.
Dzul    : Thanks, Winda.
a.       Oh, I am sorry to hear that
b.      It’s good
c.       It’s bad for you
d.      Really

2.      Johan : Wow! You join a story-telling competition?
Yoga  : Yeah, Mr. Marfi asked me to join.
Johan : Okay, wish you all the best for tomorrow. _____.
a.       I hope you feel better soon
b.      I hope you come soon
c.       I hope you to want apologize
d.      I hope that you can win the competition

3.      Cheril made a mistake of taking Lia’s book without her permission so she was angry.
The hope that you give to Cheril is_____
a.       I hope Cheril will come soon
b.      I hope Cheril immediately apologize
c.       I hope Cheril wins
d.      I hope Cheril apologize

4.      Anggi : I heard that you gave birth to a baby girl, Uni?
Uni     : Yeah, that’s right.
Anggi : Wow! Congratulations. _____
a.       I hope your baby will be healthy soon
b.      I hope your baby girl is always healthy.
c.       I hope no baby is sick.
d.      I hope all babies are healthy.

5.      Tegar : I got information that the Under-19 Team entered the 2020 world cup.
Ivan   : Really? I’m very happy to hear that.
Tegar : I hope Indonesia is ranked 3rd in the world.
Ivan   : _____
a.    Hopefully given fortitude
b.   Hopefully there are no problem
c.    Hopefully we get the best
d.   I hope everyone wins

6.      Janet : Lani, I heard that you will get married two more weeks.
Lani  : Yes, correct.
Janet : _____
a.       Congratulations, I hope you succeed
b.      Congratulations, hopefully there are no problems
c.       Good luck always
d.      Good luck, you guys are happy

7.      Janet : I heard that you won a marathon race.
Lani  : Yeah, right.
Janet : _____
a.       Congratulations, on your achievements
b.      Congratulations, on your new title
c.       Congratulations on going through a difficult time
d.      Congratulations on his words

8.      Izza just got a bachelor’s degree. As a good friends Hafizhka will say_____
a.       Congratulations, on studying here
b.      Congratulations, you were not released
c.       Congratulations, you are an adult
d.      Congratulations, on your new title

9.      Father got a lot of profits from his business. Mother will say _____
a.       Congratulations, have not lost
b.      Congratulations, we are not poor
c.       Congratulations, our debt is paid
d.      Congratulations, on the achievement

10.  Congratulations and the right hope given to someone who passed the selection to be the favorite university in the world is _____
a.       Congratulations on your success, hopefully not dropped out
b.      Congratulations on your success, hopefully you can learn well
c.       Congratulations on your success, hopefully you can pay the tuition fees
d.      Congratulations on your success, hopefully you are not arrogant

F.    Jawaban Soal Congratulation, Hope, and Wish
1.      (A) Oh, I am sorry to hear that
2.      (D) I hope that you can win the copetition
3.      (B) I hope Cheril immediately apologize
4.      (B) I hope your baby girl is always healthy
5.      (C) Hopefully we get the best
6.      (D) Good luck, you guys are happy
7.      (A) Congratulations on your achievements
8.      (D) Congratulations on your new title
9.      (D) Congratulation on the achievement
10.  (B) congratulation on your success, hopefully you can learn well

buku “Master Book Ulangan Harian” (diterbitkan oleh C-Klik Media)

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